目前分類:Musical Articles (9)

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Music is a moral law. 

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有關鋼琴的幾件事  by徐鵬博

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Lang Lang play Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.6

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Cats truely is "Now and Forever"...

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Summary from "Healthy Promotion in Schools of Music: Initial Recommendations for School of Music."
        The Healthy Promotion in Schools of Music (HPSM) Project is to help students, who practice their instrument avoid occupational injuries. In this article, authors offer some information to prevent performance injuries. It is essential for music students to thoroughly understand performance injuries that result from playing their specific instrument. One specific author states, “The primary role for all schools of music is education. Prevention education is the foundation for injury prevention.”  Consequently, students are assisted by the HPSM to better understand health related issues pertaining to music in order to prevent injuries. 

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